
The three  newly renovated Apartments are located in a hidden gem of a location –

directly behind Becks IGA , Becks Sip n Save and Betta Electrical at 30-34 Alfred Terrace. Streaky Bay. Just meters from the beach overlooking the Streaky Bay Jetty

Once fully paid keys can be picked up at nearby Becks Sip n Save Wine Cellars at 30-32 Alfred Terrace.

The Main Booking Office is located at Becks Mitre 10

12 Bay Road (PO Box 182) Streaky Bay SA 5680

(08) 86261002  (office hours)

mobil  (if mitre 10  office is unattended ) sms booking details to 0427261706 with name, dates , which apartment you would like, and we can check availability online and get back to you


Driving Directions to Apartments:

From the Adelaide/Ceduna Road.
Continue to drive straight into town along Alfred Terrace . You are in the immediate vicinity once you see Becks Sip N Save Wine Cellars , Becks IGA Supermarket, KC Hair Salon and Betta Electrical on your right side.

From the Port Lincoln Road. Continue along highway right into the town ship until the Streaky Bay Jetty is directly in front of you and the Streaky Bay hotel is on your left. Turn right into Alfred Terrace and you are in the vicinity when you see Betta Electrical, KC Hair Dresser, ,Becks IGA and Becks Sip n Save on your  left.

A Driveway or walk entrance to the apartments is at 34 Alfred Terrace next to Jetty view Café (the former Moceon Cafe Restaurant). Just follow the arrows and signs.

A Stairway to the apartments  from the pavement is also next to Becks IGA Supermarket at 32 Alfred Terrace
If needed for larger boats extra parking is available across the road behind Hull Real Estate at 27 Alfred Terrace

Minimum booking periods is two nights apart from quiet periods. Longer periods may apply over school holidays and special events.

Information about apartments is also displayed near Becks IGA/Sip n save community notice board


Bookings are not confirmed until you have received direct email confirmation.

A minimum deposit of 50% of  the total tariff is required by credit card to confirm booking.

Booking may be considered void and canceled without notice if deposit is not received within 2 days of booking placement.

Final Payment
Final 50% Payment to be made before receiving the property key.
Full and final payment can be paid by credit card , eftpos or cash with a printed tax receipt.

Apartment Key may be picked up after hours if fully paid and arranged prior.

A refund or deposit paid will apply if proper notification by email or in writing is given.
3 months plus prior notice = 75% refund (Plus if apartment can be fully rebooked extra 25% refund later so in total a 100% refund less a $50.00 booking fee).
1 to 3 months prior notice = 50% refund. (Plus If apartment can be fully rebooked extra 20% refund later so in total a 70% refund less $50 booking fee)
Less than 1 month prior notice = No Refund
Where the client chooses to cut short their stay, a refund, future credit or transfer is not available for any unused portion of the booking.
It is recommended that you have travel insurance to cover the need for any cancellation/refund

Minimum Booking Periods
Minimum booking periods is two nights – apart from quiet periods. Longer minimum booking periods may apply over school holidays and special events.

Number of guests
The number of guests occupying the property for the holiday must not exceed the number of guests specified by e mail or booking form. If there is a change of guest numbers, property owners must be informed immediately. If approval is given for the increase to numbers of guests, additional charges will apply. Each extra adults is $30 per night and extra children $15 per night

Personal Property
No responsibility is taken by Streaky Bay Beachside & Jettyview Apartments for Guest/ tenant’s personal property while on the premises or left on the premises after check-out. Parking is at your own risk.
Please lock your vehicles and apartments.

Apartments are non-smoking. Surcharge $100 applies if apartment is left with aroma of cigarette smoke or deposited ash or butts.

No pets allowed.

Guests are expected to look after and take all reasonable care of the property and its furnishings .All registered guests shall be liable for any loss or damage to the appliances, furniture, fixtures and fitting in the apartments.
Fair wear and tear excepted.
Any faults, damage or breakages to any of the furnishings or supplied equipment must be reported immediately . A fee of $150 will apply for lost keys which include lock replacement Lost or damaged remote controls incur a replacement fee of $100.
Credit Card may be charged for damages.

It is the responsibility of the guests to make sure that the property is left in a reasonable clean state on departure. Please leave kitchen tidy.All crockery, glassware and cooking utensils must be washed and put away. All rubbish and excess foodstuff to be properly disposed off and placed in garbage bags and put in the outside bins provide.

Please clean webber barbeque plate and grill after use

A fee will charged if excessive cleaning is required after departure. Credit card may be
charged if other payment not paid.
If you wish to pay for a cleaner instead of leaving in a reasonably clean state yourself please enquire. Cleaners rates vary from $24 plus per hour. Minimum hours may apply.

Linen. What we supply
The Tariffs quoted include linen and quilts for each bed booked and paid for. We also supply a lavazza mono coffee pod machine with some pods , tea bags, bathroom towels, dishwashing detergent, laundry detergent, cleaning products, tea towels, cooking utensil, small shampoo and conditioner.
We do not supply beach towels
Becks IGA- Sip n Save is located only 10 seconds walk away for supplies

Guest Behavior
It is expected that guests must consider their neighbours and not give any cause for complaint due to excessive noise or unsociable behavior.
Please take particular care after 10pm.
Apartments are for accommodation only no functions or parties that could disturb other guests. We have a no party policy

Arrival and Departure Times
Early arrival, before 2:00pm, or a late departure, after 10am must be pre-arranged well in advance. Permission to late depart will not be given after arrival on the property. Failure to depart at the required time may incur $50.00 to $100.00 excess cleaning fee to cover the waiting cleaner costs.

Departures Key return
Ensure all windows and door are securely locked. Lights and air conditioner are switched off. If Becks Wine Cellar is not open at time of departure to return your key – Please leave the key on the sink and lock the door behind you.

Fish Cleaning
No fish cleaning is allowed in apartments there are facilitates around the town for this.

Boat Mooring
In front of the apartments is a mooring about 40 meters out to sea. White Buoy attached to rope and chain and weight. Mooring to be used at own risk. You must make a booking to see if mooring is available during your dates. At higher tide will have to swim to mooring or use a kayak or smaller boat to get there. A condition of using this buoy is that your organise your own insurance for your equipment and liability risks.

Extra Parking Area
A larger unsecured car park behind Hull Real Estate across the road at 23 Alfred Tce may be used by tenants.

Terms and conditions on this site can be changed at any time.

Long Term Tenants
Require 12 month standard government residential fixed term lease signed. With bond lodged, rent in advance and inspection forms completed by agent. And regular inspections by a property agent usually every 3 months.

Lease, bond forms and inspection forms can be seen at the government office of consumer and business affairs website at
Please also see the information brochure that is a summary of the Residential Tenancies Act. That a landlord or agent must give out at the time a residential tenancy agreement is entered into. See